Do you have a physical location?

Yes, our store is located 5 Willesden Rd Hughesdale VIC 3166

Are your products authentic?

Yes, all of our products come with a 100% authenticity guarantee.

Do you ship worldwide?

Yes we ship internationally, prices differ on the item and location.

Do you accept returns?

Yes, we accept returns if items have not been damaged and still left in their original packaging. This is also to our discretion.

Is all your stock listed?

All our stock is generally listed, however we can source items to your request.

Are your products new?

Yes, all our products are brand new with original tags and packaging, unless stated otherwise in product description

How do I place an order?

1. Select any item you wish to purchase from our online store.

2. Once you have done so, choose your size under the dropdown menu of an item and click “Add to Cart”. You will see a number appear next to the shopping bag icon indicating the number of items you have in your cart.

3. When you are ready to check out, click on the bag icon and you will be taken to a page with a summary of the items you wish to purchase.

4. Click on "Proceed to checkout"

5. Enter your details and address and make payment to finalise your purchase.

What payment method do you accept?

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Paypal and Zip Pay.


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